
My books out on Kindle, AppleBooks, and in paperback.

It’s been a long process getting this book written. I actually started formulating it back in October of 2001 as I sat in a solitary confinement cell. Down the years it’s taken on a lot of different looks. As I let God grow me, He kept editing the book in concert, that’s where the title came from. I’m a life-long nerd, and the son of a computer geek, so the idea of “beta testing” has been a part of my knowledge base for as long as I can recall. As computer programmers write out their code they give it put to people to test. This unfinished version is called a Beta. As the testers find errors and problems they let the developer know so that all of the kinks can be worked out. God’s got me in beta testing right now; I’m not perfect. This book is the my story. It shows how I went from “success” to failure and then took a long, hard path back toward a new version of success. As you read it, you will probably want to stop, but I encourage you to stick with me as I get better. Just like my walk, the further into it you get, the better it is!

Still in Beta cover

Available for Kindle and in paperback
Available now on AppleBooks

Writing a first book was quite a feat. Going back for seconds presented a whole different set of issues. I had evidence to show that it could be done, but had I used up all of my words? Peace by Piece shows that the tank is not empty. It is based on the premise that everyone has a story that somebody needs to hear and that everybody needs to hear somebody’s story. The trick is getting the right ears connected with the right mouth. With that in mind, we all need to get out there and share our story. With a set of events, I found that each time I shared my own testimony there was someone listening that I really hadn’t known about or considered. I started out with just a small slice of the pie, but I soon learned that the whole pie was there to be enjoyed, I just needed to find Peace by Piece.

Available for Kindle and in paperback
Available now on AppleBooks